Saturday, July 17, 2010

Great Friends, Great Pizza, Great Cooks..

After half day of adventure in Gamplong village, in the task of searching wedding favors for Widya, seemed that we still had a lot of energy. We had to channel our energy to keep our neighborhood safe and sound.. :)) So we made pizza.. Kneading the dough is vigorous activity! :p

Me and Widya persuaded Chacha to take part in our mission. Being hungry, what else she could do but to agree? ;)

Here's the recipe for our pizza..

Dough ingredients:
175 gr flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup of hot water
olive oil or margarine (Just so the dough won't stick.)
1 tsp oregano (I love to add herbs into the dough as well. It enhances the aroma.)

Mix the dry ingredients altogether. Add water while kneading throughly. Add a little oil and proof the dough to rise.

Tomato concasse:
3 tomatoes, chopped or mashed
1 onion
1 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tsp oregano
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil or margarine

Chop onion, saute in olive oil/margarine. Add tomatoes and tomato ketchup, cook until thick. Season with salt, pepper, and oregano.

chicken frank, sliced
mushroom, sliced and browned
green paprika, diced
cheese (We use Kraft Quick Melt, since we couldn't get mozzarella.)

Roll the dough into 1-2 cm thickness. Spread concasse on top of the dough. Arrange the toppings and cheese. (Not too thick, otherwise the dough won't cooked fully.) Bake in the oven for approximately 15-20 minutes in 200'C.

Buon appetito!


Anonymous said...

pertanyaan saya sama.
kira-kira itu enak ndak ya?

MamaNyu said...

WUOOOHHH!!! berani2nya kau meragukan kolaborasi terhebat abad ini??
kami panggang jadi pizza kamu wib!

Anonymous said...

Hhhhhh..... kenapa dia meragukan kehebatan kita??? Bahkan kolaborasi kita pun lebih hebat daripada power ranger...

sunett said...

mana yang katanya mau rajin nge-blog lagi itu?
mana? mana? mana?

*pembaca kecewa T_T

Anonymous said...

jadi lapar.. hoo..